Anastasia Soare is a Romanian-American beauty entrepreneur and founder of eponymous beauty brand, Anastasia Beverly Hills. Known globally as the “eyebrow queen,” Anastasia forged a career shaping and filling the brows of famous clients (Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell were her first).
Born in Romania, Anastasia emigrated to the United States in 1989 and worked as a beautician. In 2000 she started her own eponymous brand after noticing a gap in the market.

“As you can see I am very picky about everything about my environment, this is how I make products as well,” begins Anastasia Soare, the eponymous owner and makeup giant. Her home in Beverly Hills is opulent and dazzling, much like the beauty entrepreneur herself. “I am living the American dream,” she explains over an afternoon tea complete with finger sandwiches (ingeniously cooked in the oven), cake and of course, champagne.

“I am attracted to beautiful things: art, design, architecture, interiors and products. When I first saw the Gaggenau steam oven, I said to myself: ‘I have to have it!’”

The glamorous beauty entrepreneur enjoys entertaining and while her kitchen has played host to various fabulous friends (Victoria Beckham was here recently hosting a small party for a makeup line), weekends are strictly reserved for family. “Cooking and entertaining, I feel like that was my childhood and I have incredible memories of that, that’s why it’s so important to me,” she says. “Every Saturday we have dinner together with my mother and my daughter. My mother cooks Romanian food; she likes to cook stuffed cabbage.”

The house radiates “good energy.” Complete with mid-twentieth century artworks and furniture, the kitchen (and the glamorous bar next to it) stands at the epicenter. Naturally, it’s where her family and guests choose to congregate.

“Everything needs to be perfect,” she explains, and this need for perfection translates into a perfect kitchen and entertaining space in which Gaggenau is a constant. “I need to use the best materials to create the best,” she says simply. “I am not in the appliance business but I like to work with people who know what they are doing and who do the best.”

Design Anastasia Soare