Gaggenau 400 series oven

Gaggenau Appliances: EB/BO/BX/BOP Ovens

Heating Mode(s): Baking Stone or Top + Bottom Heat

Temperature(s): 375°F

Required Accessories: Heating Element + Support Rack + Baking Stone or Wire Rack

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 30 minutes + 5 minutes standing time

Makes: 8 servings

Cooking tip:

While this is a very simple recipe to prepare, we recommend that you assemble all the ingredients first in order to move fluidly through the recipe steps. The tarte can be baked using the Baking Stone accessory or on the Wire Rack. The method, cooking time and temperature will be the same.

For the pastry:

1 sheet of puff pastry

Remove the puff pastry from the freezer and set it aside to come to room temperature

For the caramel:

1 cup (500 ml) sugar

4 tbsp (60 ml) unsalted butter

For the caramel:

Combine sugar and butter in a small heavy bottomed pan. Cook over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes until mixture is deep amber and smooth, stirring often especially as it begins to darken in color.

While the caramel is still liquid pour it into a 9-inch cake pan and set aside while you prepare the apples.

For the apples and assembling the tarte:

7 large apples, Honey Crisp, Golden Delicious or Granny Smith are best.

Insert the Heating Element into the receptacle in the rear of the oven. Set the Baking Stone onto the Support Rack and slide onto bottom rails of the oven, or slide the Wire Rack onto the second rail position up from the bottom. Using the left control knob, set the oven to Baking Stone mode or Top + Bottom Heat. Using the right control knob, preheat the oven to 375°F.

Peel and core the apples and cut each apple into 4 wedges. Arrange the wedges close together, rounded side down in concentric circles atop caramel in the pan. Press any remaining apples, rounded side up, atop the first layer. Place the pastry over the apples, tucking in the edges. Prick the pastry in six places with the tines of a fork and place in the oven. Place the cake pan directly on the Baking Stone if using or the Wire Rack and set the cooking timer for 35 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and let stand for 10 - 15 minutes to cool. Place a flat plate on top of the cooled pan and quickly invert. Carefully remove the pan to reveal the Tarte Tatin.