Gaggenau Appliances: BO, BOP, EB and Combi-steam Ovens
Heating Mode(s): Convection/Convection + Humidity (CSO)
Temperature: 325° F/375° F/ 80%+300° F/375° (CSO)
Required Accessories: Oven tray with rack
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Serves: 10 - 12
A cured smoked ham doesn’t actually require cooking but when brushed with a flavorful glaze and heated through it makes a wonderful centerpiece for a celebratory meal. Here are some basics to guide you to success.
An unsliced ham can be baked covered or uncovered but should be basted every 30 minutes if baked uncovered. An unsliced ham baked in the Steam oven does not need to be covered. A sliced ham should always be covered to prevent drying during the heating process.