Eating truly engages every sense – sight, smell, taste and touch, but what of sound? Used in tandem, sound and taste begin to weave a sensory story, enhancing flavours while transporting you to evocative landscapes. In collaboration with Chef Henrik Ritzen and Linn’s musicologist, Joe Rodger, we took 12 guests on a gastro-musical journey pairing wines, flavours and textures with moods and emotions, exploring the effect of sound, on taste.

Our first course of octopus with smoked kipper mayonnaise, sharp pickled onion and wild fennel, transported guests to a picturesque ocean scene with music emulating rolling waves and trickling streams. The lingering taste of the sea ebbing away to the fading strains of the water. The complex flavours of the second course: crapaudine beetroot served with intense liquorice, picked blackberries and creamy ewe’s milk yoghurt. dish, married with the mixture of contemporary classical, Dixieland jazz and classic rock, taking our guests from green fields to autumnal pastures.

The great wilderness and rugged mountainous terrains were the locations for course three. Lamb with fermented red cabbage puree, cauliflower, crab apple jelly and hazelnuts delighted the diners, while Led Zepplin’s Misty Mountain Hop cascaded through the room.

The evening ended with the sun setting in a lush forest. The final course of decadent pannacotta, fragrant Douglas Fir, wintertime blueberries and succulent raspberries alongside whimsical music had guests strolling through a woodland on a crisp winter’s evening.

Chef Henrik Ritzen, Linn and ourselves share a passion for delivering exceptional quality in our respective fields. Henrik is a Swedish born chef whose culinary passion lies in developing menus that honour seasonal and locally sourced ingredients. Linn prides themselves on bringing you closer to the music you love, with clarity and power. By guiding our guests through this immersive event, we truly demonstrated our passion for culinary innovation as well as the Gaggenau difference.